Spawn 25th Anniversary Art Tribute (Hyaena Gallery) and 31st Anniversary Drawing Show (La Luz De Jesus Gallery)

Hey guys, 

November into December has been a busy month for me. I've been creating new artwork at a breakneck pace for shows both this month (December 2017) and beyond into the new year! I'm so excited to share new teases and WIP's soon for those upcoming shows. But for the shows that are currently up, here are all the details:



Chogrin presents: A group art show in tribute to 25 years of Todd McFarlane’s Spawn.Todd McFarlane and his Image Comics partners revolutionized the comic book industry back in the early 90s. That revolution still runs strong today, giving artists & creator’s a chance to express and own their vision without having to sacrifice it to a larger corporate entity. Todd McFarlane has inspired a whole generation of artists to think outside the box and push their talents to new and creative mediums.

SEE the art here at the official TUMBLR site.

To PURCHASE artwork from the show go here to HYAENA GALLERY


Here is a look at my "Spawn 25 Years" piece before I get it up in the PORTFOLIO section. Also great press for the show via READ THE ARTICLE here.

And lastly I'm so pleased to have been invited to La Luz De Jesus Gallery's 31st Anniversary Drawing Show. Their famous year end show features some top brass in illustration, including Chris Mars, Joe Coleman and Renée French to name a few. Check out all the details here:

31st Anniversary Drawing Show
Exhibition: December 1-31
Reception: Fri. Dec. 1, 8-11 PM

2017 is our 31st year of continuous, monthly exhibitions.

Think about that: La Luz de Jesus Gallery is 31 years old!

Some of the artists in this show weren’t even born yet when Billy Shire decided to clear out the storage apartment at the corner of Melrose and Martel, upstairs from his flagship Soap Plant shop with marked purpose. His vision: to showcase the incredible, ethnic folk art he brought back from Mexico, Guatemala, and museum quality pieces from Asia and elsewhere alongside that of his talented friends–people who were finding a hard time being taken seriously by the art establishment of the era in spite of their technical prowess. His experiment has spawned a legacy. The renewed interest in illustration art resultant from his gallery’s success influenced the zeitgeist, and launched industries. The lowbrow movement of California Art (which in turn informed the Pop Surrealists that followed) influenced fashion, television, film and culture. The rest, as they say, is history.

The 31st Anniversary Drawing Show is an invitational event that traces the history of Post-Pop in its birthplace.

We chose from the best illustrators featured in the 31 year history of La Luz de Jesus to create a new, original drawing for this show, allowing us to trace a line all the way from Robert Williams to Annie Owens.

Since this is a drawing show, the work will be graphite, charcoal, colored pencil, ink or ballpoint pen, watercolor and/or gouache on paper. Whatever the preferred technique, the dominant medium of expression will classify the work as a drawing.
